Friday, December 27, 2024


    References to Israelites

in Ancient Chinese Literature 

Tiberiu Weisz

The Jewish community in ancient China came to the world ’s historical stage in 1605 suddenly and without history. Though awareness of their presence spread like a wildfire in the West, their journey in China remained a mystery. The only clue was engraved on the 1489 Chinese Stele that led to a “logical” assumption that the Chinese Jews were merchants who entered China and settled there in the Song Dynasty (960-1279).

Unfortunately that assumption proved to be incorrect. First, it failed to take into account the low social status of merchants in China. As traders, their status  would have been at the bottom of the social ladder, below peasants, and not entitled to imperial gift of land to build a temple.   Second, the Chinese text of the Stele contained gross mistranslations and  lead to misunderstandings and erroneous conclusions.  

Ancient Chinese annals mentioned hundreds of unidentified tribes in the Western Regions (Taklamakan Desert), a place where the Chinese 

“sinicized” the “barbarian tribes” and ultimately absorbed them in the Han Dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE).  Among those tribes was a small community, who one Chinese sage noted, had "few followers whose activities, dress, hat, custom, and prayers” fit the description of Israelite priests called Levites (and Cohanim) in biblical times. The earliest Chinese literature recorded them as youren or “holy men”, reference to Levites priests.  Post Han Dynasty they were known as followers of the gujiao, or “old/ancient religion”, reference to Judaism, and in Kaifeng they were called youshang, or holy priests, reference to the Kaifeng Jews.

The first encounter with the youren, was mentioned by Laozi ( 7th century BCE), the mythological figure and founder of Daoism  (Daodejing). In one of the chapters he described an ideal, utopian country that was more prevalent in the Kingdom of Israel during King Solomon than in China. He admired the devotion of the people to their faith, yet he wondered  “How can a small country with few people... and a small community of youren  survive with so few believers? Without enough believers there is no faith! "

Confucius (551-479 BCE ) also made a reference to youren “If I were a youren, I would debate the issues within my own people and prevent going to litigation/court”. 

[NOTE: Chinese commentators declared this sentence " defective” and scholars and translators were puzzled by it. But from a Sino- Judaic perspective, it encompassed the biblical relationship between the youren,  and am ha-aretz, or common people. [ in Hebrew].

Mencius (372-289 BCE) a sage second to Confucius, encountered a group of strangers he called xizi - (Western Sons) who practiced peculiar customs that corresponded to the biblical command of kashrut: 

"If [these] Western Sons (xizi) did not keep spotless clean (kosher), then people would plug their nose when passing by, [because] it was not kosher. Though they were some sinners among them, if they fasted and bathed they could sacrifice to [their] Shangdi “ (Biblical God).

Mozi (470-391BCE?) the founder of Universal Love ( Mohism) school of thought preached a philosophy that lay in between Confucianism and Judaism. 

Mozi version “Enjoy equally, suffer equally” and the biblical version  “you shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:33) . 

More specifically, in a discourse between Mohism and the Confucianism,  Mozi said that he preferred burying one’s parents following the biblical rites to the traditional Chinese burial ceremonies. 

And indeed centuries later, in the Sui Dynasty (541-604 CE) a teacher of gujiao, called Nan Liuxi, given name Dewei (David ) was given permission to bury his people, whose lives were cut short due to flooding, according to his native (Biblical) customs. The emperor instructed him to perform the burial ceremony reciting both the traditional Confucian and the gujiao rites (kaddish).

Then in the Han Dynasty, General Li Guangli lead an expeditionary force deep into the Kingdom of Fergana (Afghanistan today) in 108 BCE, where he noticed people with "sunken eyes, big noses and distinguished hair dress... growing grapes, grazing and raising horses”. The distinctive headdress attracted his attention as they were quite unique and his description corresponded to the biblical headdress worn by Levites priests while performed religious ceremonies in the Temple.

Wang Chong (27-97) CE), a critic of Confucianism who never missed an opportunity to highlight the shortcomings of Confucian learning:  “Even parrots that can utter words but not able to speak in sentences”. 

His dislike of the Confucian etiquette lead him to write a 200,000 character essay called Lun Heng (On Balance), where he stated that the King of gudi, mentioned in the Book of Poetry (shujing) was not an ordinary Chinese Shangdi [emperor/god] but the Biblical gudi (God).

One of his disciples called Xu Gan (170-217 CE) focused on the social standing and contribution of the followers of gudi,: “their skill and talent rested in beauty, education and music”.

After the fall of the Han Dynasty in 220 CE, the youren became an integral part of Chinese society and were considered natives by locals. Ever since then, China considers them native Chinese and refuses to recognize the descendants of the Chinese Jews as minority. 

These are just a few short excerpts from the books:


The Kaifeng Stone Inscriptions (2006)

A History of Kaifeng Is

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Hebrew text of 1489 Kaifeng stones

 יומן שחזור בית כנסת טהור ואמת מצבת אבן 1489 בקאיפנג, סין

לתרגום בעברית עם  מקורות מתנ״ך ומקורות סינים

נא להתקשר

וייס טיבריו

פרופסור ללשון סינית עתיקה

דברי המתרגם

הקדמה: תמצית יהודי סין

מצבת אבן 1489 מתאר את המסורת ,הטקסים ,ומנהגים של לווים וכהנים עבריים שהתישבו בסין [דרך הודו] לאחר חורבן בית שני. הם שמרו את המנהגים האלו למשך יותר מ 1000 שנה וחרטו באבן לרשום לנצח את קיומם, מנהגם ודרך ארץ שלהם ולדורות הבאים לבל ישכחו את מוצאם. זאת המצבה הרשאונה מתוך 4 מצבות קאיפנג. 

)לנוסח באנלית נא לעיין ב:The Kaifeng Stone Inscription :The Legacy of the Jewish Community in Ancient China.2006)

Sunday, September 13, 2020

A Chinese Jew: Prime Minister in China

 Li Gang 

China’s Israelite Prime Minister: 

Hero of the Defense of Kaifeng

By Tiberiu Weisz


In January of 1126 CE, Kaifeng the capital city of China, was under siege: the Song Dynasty (960- 1279) was on the verge of collapse.  As a last resort to save the empire, the Chinese Emperor charged Li Gang with the defense of Kaifeng, and appointed him Prime Minister. 

Li Gang was a Chinese Jew...

Now for the first time, the story of the Chinese Jewish Prime Minister is brought to Western readers.  Please contact the author for a free copy of the article @

A History of the Kaifeng Israelites (2018) 
(available on Amazon)

Author's Note

The current Chinese government does everything to erase the classical Chinese term of youren for Jews in modern Chinese language. Instead they use the modern word of youtairen, a term with a very short history and conveniently refers to the Western Jews who live in China since the 18th century. It replaced the word xibolai, a more traditional Chinese term for Jews, still in use in Taiwan. Ever since the Communist takeover in 1949, the descendants of the original Chinese Jews had been denied recognition as Jews. 
This book , "A History of the Kaifeng Israelites" is based solely on original Chinese texts, translated here for the first time, proves that Israelites resided in China in antiquity, they participated in the Chinese way of life, and some Judaic concepts sprouted seed in Chinese way of thinking. 
No revision of history will change that. 

Synopsis "A History of the Kaifeng Israelites"  adds a new chapter to the history of the Jews, bringing to light the sanctuary that Israelites priests had established in China in biblical time and they were known in Chinese literature for their erudition and skills.
The book traces a small group of Israelites in Chinese literature who migrated and settled in China in biblical times. New addition to the history of the Jews is the identification of the Chinese terms (Chinese characters) that denoted Israelites in Chinese literature, and based on that the book provides documentation that attested to their presence and activity. Their sanctuary in China was mentioned in the Zhou Dynasty  (7th century BCE) or 1000 years before the West became aware of their existence. This is their story collected from Chinese literary works.


Villager January 31, 2018

The [Highland] Villager features  author Tiberiu Weisz in an article by Dave Page:
"Author helps uncover 1000-year history of Jews in China."

2. February 28, 201

The author and book Is featured:

3. Kyoto Journal 92 posted a review  of the book:

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Israelite "holy men" in China

The Roots of Israelite
Holy Men” in China

Tiberiu Weisz

“We call ourselves yi-zu-le-ye [Israelites], not Jews” said a Chinese Jew to a Jesuit priest in Beijing in China in the 17th century. The Chinese word was a transliteration of the biblical term for Israel. And just like Western languages had a non- biblical term for Israelites, Jew in English, Jude in German, Juif in French and Yehudi in Hebrew, so did China: youren, 猶人 (holy men) was the word for Israelites in Chinese. Not to be confused with youtairen, the modern term for Jews in Chinese. Youren referred to the Israelite priests and their descendants who lived in China since biblical times; while youtairen is the word used for Jews in general since the mid 19th century.

The word youren first appeared in the Chinese literature in the saying of Laozi, c.a.7th century BCE, who wondered how could the youren [Israelites] remain faithful to their religion with so few followers.

Confucius (551-479 BCE) also mentioned youren in a cryptic message saying: “I am youren”. This sentence puzzled scholars and translators who erroneously rendered it  ” I am like others”. Chinese commentators found it unexplainable, and for no better alternative, they accepted the interpretation of Zhu Xi (d.1200 CE), China’s most prominent commentator: “there was a defect in the text”.

Lesser known works in the Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE) pointed to the erudition of the youren and their lasting impression on the Chinese. They praised the skills of youren [Israelites] for their accomplishments as physicians, healers, and musicians. It became evident the youren had a long history in China, long before the Han Dynasty. 

How did youren become associated with Israelites in China? 

After the Babylonian exile (536 BCE), the Jewish masses [am ha-arez] were in need of guidance of the Law, so they turned  with their questions to men of letters, called scribes. Traditionally, the scribes were the Cohanim and Levites, the priestly class, well versed in the laws of the Torah and the ceremonies of the Temple period. They talked to the people about Temple, Torah, government, holidays, rites etc… but most importantly, they emphasized their priestly roles in Jewish life. 
Initially the wisdom of the scribes was transmitted orally, but later, the disciples jotted them down to compile the Mishnah, the original written version of the oral law in Hebrew and Aramaic, and completed in the 2nd century CE.

Eventually, the scribes attained a certain recognition, and to protect their reputation and elevated status, they appended their name with an iah (pronounces  yau/yah/you). Thus, an original name of Abbad became Abbadiah, Azar became Azariah, Hanann became Hananniah, Nehem became Nehemiah and so on…

However, when Prophet Ezra demanded the Cohanim and Levites in exile to separate and leave their gentile wives behind, many of them decided not to return to Jerusalem. Instead, they headed eastwards to India. Several generations later, their descendants wandered further East and reached the outskirts of China. According to Chinese sources they established sanctuary in China. 

In China, the Israelite priests maintained a low profile. They emphasized modesty, did not glorify themselves, nor their personalities; they remained anonymous, only their wisdom was preserved. They strived to perpetuate the customs of the community as it was before the destruction of the Temple in 586 BCE. Those customs are preserved today, frozen in time, in the four stelae that the Chinese Jews engraved in stones. (For details, see: The Kaifeng Stone Inscriptions.) 

An image of a traveling youren ("holy man") in the 8th century CE as described in the  Chinese Encyclopedic Dictionary called Tongdian. -Tiberiu Weisz.

But their anonymity did not last long. The appended iah (pronounced you) to their Hebrew names attracted the attention of the Chinese as it corresponded to the Chinese word of you , that in antiquity meant “monk, priest.”  According to the Tongdian, the most comprehensive encyclopedic Chinese dictionary at the times (published in 801 CE), the character you referred to people who serviced temples and performed religious ceremonies. Suitably, the Chinese named the Israelite Cohanim and Levites, youren “holy men.” 

As youren, they enjoyed the same privileges as any other monks in China. They were granted land to build their place of worship and follow their beliefs. Over time they realized that their own teachings conformed with many of the Confucian values, and differed only in details. Inevitably, that hastened their rapid assimilation. By the time of the Later Han Dynasty (25 - 220 CE), the youren were so integrated that one Chinese scholar remarked: “they [youren] do things like we do, they are one of us.”  Gradually they lost their Israelite identity and became han Chinese, to live in the shadows of the Chinese culture. 

The current Chinese government adheres to the policy that youren became han (Chinese) in antiquity, therefore they no longer to be considered Jews. Instead, the Chinese prefer the modern term youtairen for Jews, a relatively new word with no prior history in China. Subsequently, references to youren , as Israelites , have been redacted in the simplified versions of ancient Chinese literature, their history expunged. Fortunately, the original full character archives are preserved in Taiwan.

[For an in-depth history of the “youren” [Israelites] in China, please read my book A History of the Kaifeng Israelites (2018)], and for a translation and annotation of the Chinese stela in a dual cultural context, see: The Kaifeng Stone Inscriptions (2006)] 

Friday, July 12, 2019

Book review: The Covenant and Mandate of Heaven

Scholarly Work Contrasts 
Jewish and Chinese Cultures
by Tiberiu Weisz
IUniverse 2008.

Reviewed by Eric Shoag
The Jewish Journal Boston North
September 25, 2008

In the aftermath of all the spectacle and rhetoric that characterized the recent Olympic Games in Beijing, one may discover a growing unease and curiosity concerning the strange land many are predicting will become the next superpower.
In his new book, The Covenant and the Mandate of Heaven, scholar and author Tiberiu Weisz has done an outstanding job not only collapsing thousands of years of Chinese history into one short work, but also comparing that rich fascinating history of that of the Jewish people, pointing out the many parallels, differences and ironies between the two unrelated cultures.
The concept is a unique and curious one, and Weisz performs adorably under the circumstances. The author exercises superhuman focus and restraint to touch on the key points and figures throughout the centuries and not get bogged down in too many details or digressions. The result in a very readable, sometimes dizzying journey from Biblical ties through Antiquity to Modernity, and somehow, improbably, it works.
Beginning with the basic idea of God and Creation, Weisz shows immediate parallels between the two peoples, whose concept of Supreme Being forbade the construction of images or idols and demanded high moral standards its worshippers. Weisz also shows how the Torah of the Jews and the Liji, or Book of Rites, for the Chinese, have been instrumental in shaping the philosophies and destinies of both, providing a basic moral framework aw well as of inspiration. 
Though some of the connections the author makes are a bit tenuous or contrived, and the unavoidable promotional blurbs attempt to tie everything together in an neat, pithy package of “yin and yang”, what emerges is an enlightening study of two cultures that have overcome many challenges and catastrophes to not only survive, but thrive and outlast many other civilizations that have come and gone. The way both Chinese and Jewish people have met and overcome those challenges are at times remarkably similar: by re-examining their past and reinventing themselves again and again for the future.
Some of the similarities are truly uncanny, from the importance of an “oral tradition” of learning that grew out of the teaching of Confucius for the Chinese, and who eventually became the books of laws and commentaries that are the Mishna for the Jews, to the appearance oft charismatic figures at a particularly dark time to reinvigorate both cultures. 
Though they lived two hundred years apart, both Shabbatai Zvi (1626-1676) and Hong Xiuquan (1814-1864) had grandiose Messianic ideas of their personal destinies, and inspired legions of followers who had become disenchanted be the restrictive rules of their respective cultures. Though both their movement ultimately failed, they were instrumental in shaping the Jewish and Chinese futures, injecting an essential celebratory, ecstatic element into what had become in both cases a dry joyless observance.
Most fascinating, however, are the sometimes startlingly ironic differences between the two people , and the opposite ways they met some of their challenges. While both the Chinese and Jews were isolated from the rest of the world, the forms of that isolation were quite different. Where China was cut off physically from its surrounding neighbors, the Jews wandered through many lands and were separated from others by their own beliefs and practices. 
In the early 20th century both people had new challenges. To facilitate the Zionist dream of settling a Jewish homeland, the Jews had to learn to become farers and laborers. Conversely, to combat the threat of Colonialism, China with its enormous population of illiterate workers, had to cultivate a new class of intellectuals and in sense join the modern world they had long ignored.  
And yet, strange similarities persist. In both cases language was a major uniting factor, as the Chinese began their journey of literacy and the Jews resurrected  their biblical language of Hebrew to unify their own nationalist movement. 
As Weisz writes,”…this was the beauty of their heritage: they could be influenced by other cultures and absorb foreign ideas, but they always rose above the challenges and reached new heights.” From exile and disunity, the destruction of the Temple and the Mongol conquest to the Holocaust and Cultural Revolution, The Covenant and the Mandate of Heaven is a crash course in the history of two fascinating contrasting cultures and people, and cannot fail to excite even the most casual reader.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Song and lyrics of Kaifeng Jews

Rabbi Josh Snyder offers, in the link below, a song of the Kaifeng Jews based on lyrics from my translation of the Neo Confucian inscriptions of 1512. This particular inscription enshrined in stone  several liturgical traditions of the Chinese Jews that were transmitted orally ever since they settled in China in biblical times. While the original Chinese text reflects the mixture of Judaism with Chinese characteristics, the accompanied song is the composers modern interpretation.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The US- China Review

Israelites in China

By Tiberiu Weisz

Published in The US-China Review, Spring 2019 vol LIII, 2

This topic of the Israelites in China has puzzled scholars and researchers ever since a limelight was shone on the remnant of the Jewish community in Kaifeng in 1605. On that day, a Chinese Jew named Ai Tian walked into the office of Mateo Ricci, a Jesuit priest serving in Beijing, and revealed that the he was a descendant of Chinese Jews. It caught Ricci totally by surprise, and he was in disbelief.  Nobody in the West had the slightest indication that Jews lived in China, let alone Jews of Chinese origin. After that meeting, a swirl of activities surrounded scholars, diplomats, missionaries, and Jewish travelers and adventurers in the West who embarked on a search for the Chinese Jews. They wrote reports, articles, and books that were cycled and recycled to explain this strange event in Western media, but none came close to explaining the story of the Chinese Jews. It did not help that the translation of the Kaifeng stelae by Bishop White (1873-1960) could not find any trace to biblical references in the Chinese text, nor did it help that the Jewish artifacts found in Kaifeng could not provide conclusive results of their origin (attributed to late 17th-18th century imports from Persia). 

And of course it did not help that the dynastic Chinese language was very difficult to interpret, let alone make sense of in translation. The Chinese characters youren 猶人 for Israelites [Jews] appeared in the earliest Chinese literature.They were a tribe and treated as such, but never occurred to Westerners or translators to verify their roots, though some Chinese commentators suggested biblical origin. Unlocking the mystery of the community without a thorough knowledge of literary Chinese proved to be elusive.

We almost got a break in the mystery of the Chinese Jews with the introduction of the term youtairen 太人 into the Chinese vocabulary. This combination was attributed to an article written by Dao Guang (1821-1851), and had been hastily accepted as the official term for Israelites/Jews. But prior to this, youtairen had no history. Yet, the tribe of youren had a recorded history in Chinese literature, and “by any other name” they were Israelites.  

Neither Chinese lexicographers nor commentators found an appropriate definition to the term of youren. Though this term was used in the writings of Laozi (7th century BCE), Confucius (551-479 BCE), and later in dynastic histories, it was translated as either “other people” or “as if, like…” It frustrated Chinese commentators to the point that the most famous commentator Zhu Xi, (d. 1200) declared that there was a “defect in the text.” These sages were the bedrock of Chinese civilization, yet when they encountered youren, they did not realize that they faced people of a tribe who followed biblical customs. Only the sage Mencius (372-289 BCE) left us a fragmented description of some of their customs that I found to make sense in a Sino-Judaic context. But spiritual belief in China was a matter of tribal privacy.  

So who were the youren and how did they find their way to China? Their identity is revealed for the first time in my book A History of the Kaifeng Israelites, that digs deeply into Chinese literature, in Chinese, to trace their presence and activities. 

The earliest reference to China in Western literature can be traced to King Solomon in biblical times (9th century BCE). According to biblical history, King Solomon’s agents purchased war horses in a place called Kve/Kue: “…and the king’s  traders bought them [fine horses] from Kue/Kve at a price” (1 Kings 10:28). Until recently, Kve was believed to be a place in Anatolia [Turkey today] but when juxtaposed with comparative Chinese literature we learn that the market place for the finest warhorses was in Kucha [Kocha] in the Western Regions (south Azerbaijan today). Kucha was famous for breeding the finest “Heavenly Horses” (as the Chinese called them) and traders from “the four corners of the world” had come to purchase them. Incidentally, allowing for linguistic variations, the Hebrew name for Kue was identical to the Chinese name of Kucha. In other words, King Solomon’s agents purchased warhorses in the same place where the Chinese military purchased “Heavenly Horses”. Even if trade often was conducted through intermediaries, each side could have heard, or even come in contact with each other. 

Almost simultaneously, a reference to a biblical God in Chinese literature was enshrined in a ballad of a tribe, descendants of the Shang Dynasty in the Book of Songs, (ca. 7th century BCE) called the “Black Bird”:

 “The Ancient God commanded Adam (Wutang)
To occupy the four corners of the world”.

In rendering this translation, I followed the Chinese commentaries that pointed out that “since everything originated in Heaven, God can be called Ancient God, therefore it referred to the Israelite biblical God. Wutang was the Chinese name for biblical Adam.” Other translations had overlooked the connection between Ancient God, and Wutang to the biblical God and Adam. Yet, these clues were important indicators that the ancient Chinese had been aware of biblical stories just about the time that the Prophet Isaiah mentioned the “Land of Sinim” (Isaiah 49:12) (7th century BCE). The word “Sinim” is the Hebrew word for China. 

Was it a coincidence?

In re-reading early Chinese literature (in traditional Chinese characters) I noticed that the characters youren had also been used in the Chinese sage literature as early as the 7th century BCE, if not earlier. In the writing of Laozi, a mythological figure in the 7th century BCE, and the founder of Daoism, he clearly referred to the religion and activities of youren when he said: “How could a belief survive if it did not have enough followers? The teachings (religion) of youren [Israelites] were sacred, and people would say that they [youren] acted just as like us, the natives” (Guodian: Laozi). Evidently, Laozi was aware of the religion of the youren, he had either heard of them, or perhaps even encountered them in his travels. Even Confucius mentioned youren when he talked about court proceedings and praised them for their debating skills (Lun Yu). While these two sages referred to youren directly,  Mencius had an apparent encounter with a Western tribe, whose features seemed to him to be that of hanren (Chinese), but with very strange attributes and customs. Only when the text was framed in Sino-Judaic context, it became evident that Mencius described the conduct and activities of Israelite priests, or cohanim in Hebrew. This is perhaps the first sighting of youren as Israelite priests in China in 4th century BCE, and had already been sinicized, according to Mencius. 

Yet, the word youren was not entered the Chinese lexicography. It had neither dictionary form nor definition. Perhaps due to the lack of dictionary entry, scholars, translators, and Chinese commentators found this combination troublesome. In modern Chinese it means “still, as if, like” but in Classical Chinese it is a different matter.

To give you an idea of how words in Classical Chinese change, I will illustrate this point with a recent example. A colleague of mine who had lived and taught in China for a long time, asked three Chinese scholars to help him translate a text on an ancient vessel. When he got the translations back, there were three different versions. He was puzzled and asked me how was it possible. My answer surprised him. I acknowledged that all three translations could be correct, depending on how the text was segmented, measured and punctuated. It was an eye-opener for him. Doing research on China based on translations, or with only a rudimentary knowledge of the language carries its own perils. 

But, segmentation did not apply to the identification of people, tribes, religions, etc. in Classical Chinese. Characters for a place, country, nationality, or religion followed by the character ren, (people, person) were quite straightforward and meant the person, people, tribes from that place, country, religion. Thus, a Chinese person was called hanren, a mongol was manren, an arab was huiren, a teacher of religion was jiaoren, but when it came to youren these rules seemed to evaporate. For lack of a proper definition, translators usually rendered youren as “other people” or otherwise omitted it. 

Not only was youren lost in translations, so were the texts of the four Kaifeng stelae. Bishop White, a missionary with the  Anglican Church, rendered the most comprehensive translation of the Kaifeng stelae into English in the 1920s. Almost instantly it became the “official” translation. Unfortunately, the translation missed several critical Chinese historical markers, and the use of local vernacular, that later led to major misunderstandings. He also missed the Neo-Confucian style of the 1512 inscription, and any references to Judaism contained therein. This particular inscription frustrated scholars to the point that they asked, “Why was this written?”. Aggravating the problem was that Chinese scholars did not have enough knowledge of Judaism to recognize the distinctive Jewish characteristics of the texts. It followed that misconceptions became so ingrained in Western circles that they were convinced that Jewish traders were the original settlers in the Song Dynasty (960-1279 CE).

But, a reading of the Kaifeng stelae in both native Chinese setting and Sino-Judaic context, offered a completely different picture. Perhaps “Western cloth” was contributed by Jewish merchants, but those who presented their case to the Song Emperor were descendants of a long line of Israelite Cohanim/Levites (priests) who had established sanctuary in China since biblical times. Their presence was interrupted by their expulsion in the Tang Dynasty in 845 CE, along with all other non-native Chinese religions, but with the establishment of the new Song Dynasty in 960 CE, they returned at the invitation of the emperor. 

The eloquent Chinese presentation of the Israelite priests to the Emperor cannot be conveyed in translation. They were well-versed in both Jewish and Chinese customs, rituals and court proceedings. They also had a good command of the Chinese language, and followed the proper protocol that was indistinguishable from that of any high-ranking Chinese official. It was impressive by any standards, and even the emperor was in awe of the erudition of the Israelites. He bestowed upon them land to build a place of worship (details in Kaifeng Stone Inscriptions).

They were the youren, or the youshang (Israelite priests) as they were called in the local Kaifeng literature. Priests had a special status in Chinese society and irrespective of their beliefs, they were granted equal rights. Emperors bestowed land on priests to build their temples, a benefit that did not apply to other classes, certainly not to merchants. Traders were the lowest class in the Chinese social ladder, below the status of the uneducated farmers. 

The Jews of Kaifeng came into the limelight when Prime Minister Li Gang (1083-1140?), a Chinese Jew, assured the emperor in 1127 that the “Israelite monks (youshang 猶商) were utterly loyal to the empire and would die defending Kaifeng.” What Li Gang called youshang in local Kaifeng dialect, was what Laozi and Confucius called youren. In other words youshang 猶商 and youren 猶人 in Chinese literature were synonyms, meaning Israelite monks, priests. I devoted an entire chapter to the story of the Chinese Jew and Prime Minister, Li Gang in my book, A History of the Kaifeng Israelites.

In summary, a group of Cohanim and Levites (Priests) seemed to have found sanctuary in China after exile (6th century BCE), while  a Chinese tribe, descendants of the Shang Dynasty had immortalized the biblical Israelite God in one of their ballads. Chinese sages highly respected the youren for their erudition, medical skills, and musical abilities. In addition, since the beliefs of youren were congruent with the Chinese, their integration was followed  by rapid sinicization. The youren had already lost its original meaning in antiquity as the Chinese considered them natives and indistinguishable from han Chinese. Only their faith remained, a private affair that survived the vicissitudes of history. For over 2500 years, Jewish minorities lived in China in the shadows of the Han people, but their spiritual life was “like water without a source, a tree without roots” 无源之水, 无本之木 wu yuan zhi shui, wu ben zhi mu (Mao Zedong: On Practice), but their legacy is not extinct, and a day may still come that they may celebrate their faith in the open. 

About the author:

Tiberiu Weisz, an independent scholar of Chinese. He pursued his interest in Classical Chinese and comparative cultural studies of Judaism and China for 40 years. He taught Chinese and served as an in-house China consultant to a Minneapolis based company, while continuing to write and translate from Chinese. He has authored three books and published over a dozen articles about Judaism and China. This article is based on his latest book, A History of the Kaifeng Israelites (2018). Currently, he holds workshop classes on Chinese calligraphy in retirement.